摘要:谈起公众的健康和利益, 医疗服务的质量水平与此息息相关。现代医学技术和科学水平不断的发展,给医疗急救设备
Strengthen quality controlof medicalaid equipment Discussion
Huang Wendong
( Equipment department in Fuzhou First People's Hospital,JiangxiFuzhou,344000)
Abstract :The talk about the interests of public health and medical services are closely related with
this level of quality.Modern medical technology and scientific level continues to develop,to bring emergency
medical equipment greatly improved the level of emergency medical services emergency medical equipment
largely influenced by the level of quality and constraints,while the emergency medical equipment the
development of quality in the hospital also has a significant role,so the quality of emergency medical
equipment,not just in terms of the scope of the hospital within the modern emphasis on quality control that
should be one of the elements.
Keywords :medical first aid;quality monitoringequipment